A Treasury of Hadith


A Commentary on Nawawi’s Selection of Prophetic Traditions

This treasury of hadith is as a short introduction to foundational Islamic principles through the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Imam Nawawi’s collection of forty two hadith brings together some of the most important and pivotal Prophetic traditions. Each tradition encapsulates a great rule of the religion of Islam, described by Islamic religious scholars as an “axis” in Islam. The commentary of the great hadith master Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Daqiq al-‘Id is simple but erudite.

Mokrane Guezzou is a well-known translator of over ten works including the Qur’an commentary Wahidi’s Asbab al-Nuzul.

Ibn Daqiq al-‘Id (d.1302) is accounted as one of Islam’s great scholars in the fundamentals of Islamic law and belief.

Imam Nawawi (1233-77) was an authority on hadith and a biographer, lexicologist, and Sufi.



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