The Kingdom of God


A Fully Illustrated Commentary on Surah al-Mulk

Surah al-Mulk (The Kingdom) invites the reader to look at how the universe moves by God’s will, under His perfect control, succinctly captured within its opening verse: Blessed is the One in Whose Hands rests all Kingdom. And He is Most Capable of everything. The Surah (chapter) challenges the reader to formulate a new concept of the universe and its relationship with its Creator as being like that of a kingdom with respect to a king. The reader is sent on a journey to discover a new sense of perspective on the power of God and the extent of His control over the cosmos and beyond. From this new and enlightened viewpoint, the planet and the present worldly life pales into insignificance when placed before the vastness of the seven heavens and the eternity of the Afterlife.


Asim Khan is currently the Imam of Redbridge Islamic Centre, Instructor for the Sabeel Institute and author for Islam21c. He has, from an early age, excelled in academic studies and has gained a Masters in Pharmacy from University College London, UK, as well as studying Arabic and Qur’anic Sciences in Cairo,with a special interest in Tafsir studies.


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