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Rightly Guided: 10 Muslim New Year Resolutions to Help Us Stay on the Right Path

No More Excuses: 10 Muslim New Year Resolutions to Help You Reach Your Goals

As the new year approaches, it’s a great time to reflect on how we can better ourselves as Muslims and strive to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Here are 10 new year’s resolutions that can help us do just that:

  1. Be more patient: Patience is a key virtue in Islam, and it’s something we should all strive to cultivate in the coming year. Whether it’s dealing with our own struggles or the challenges that come our way, it’s important to remember that Allah is with the patient.

  2. Give more charity: Charity is a central tenant of Islam, and it’s something we should all try to do more of in the coming year. Whether it’s donating money to those in need or simply showing kindness to others, charitable acts can help enrich our own lives as well as the lives of those around us.

  3. Recite more dua: Dua, or prayer, is an important way for us to connect with Allah and seek guidance and help in our lives. In the coming year, let’s make a commitment to increase our dua and draw closer to our faith.

  4. Focus on prayer: Prayer is a key part of being a Muslim, and it’s something we should all strive to be better at in the coming year. Whether it’s setting aside more time for our daily prayers or making an extra effort to pray with concentration and devotion, prayer can help us connect with Allah and find peace and contentment in our lives.

  5. Educate ourselves: Islam places a strong emphasis on learning and education, and it’s important for us to constantly strive to learn more about our faith and the world around us. In the coming year, let’s make a commitment to seek out knowledge and continue learning about Islam and the world we live in.

  6. Don’t be quick to anger: Anger is a natural emotion, but it’s important to remember to control it and not let it get the best of us. In the coming year, let’s strive to be more patient and slow to anger, and remember the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad on how to combat it.

  7. Practice good manners: Good manners are an important part of being a Muslim, and they can help us build strong relationships with others and live a more fulfilling life. In the coming year, let’s make a conscious effort to be more considerate of others, show respect, and behave in a way that is pleasing to Allah.

  8. Strengthen our relationship with Allah: Our relationship with Allah is the most important thing in our lives, and it’s something we should always be working to strengthen. In the coming year, let’s make an effort to draw closer to Allah through prayer, reflection, and living a life that is pleasing to Him.

  9. Be more grateful: Gratitude is an important part of Islam, and it’s something we should all strive to cultivate in the coming year. Whether it’s expressing thanks to Allah for the blessings we have been given or showing appreciation to those around us, gratitude can help us live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

  10. Forgive others: Forgiveness is a central tenant of Islam, and it’s something we should all try to practice more in the coming year. Whether it’s forgiving those who have wronged us or simply letting go of grudges and negative emotions, forgiveness can help us live a more peaceful and contented life.

As we start the new year, let’s make a commitment to implement these resolutions into our lives and strive to be better Muslims. By practicing patience, giving charity, making dua, focusing on prayer, educating ourselves, controlling our anger, practicing good manners, strengthening our relationship with Allah, being grateful, and forgiving others, we can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life and draw closer to Allah. May this new year bring us all closer to Allah and help us grow in our faith.

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